



  Local transportation

Local transportation is provided between the Cordoba train station and the official congress hotels on the day of arrival and return, between September 23 and 28 and for all events included in the official program that do not take place in the historic center. Members who do not communicate their arrival and departure information will be responsible for their own travel on arrival and departure.


  Loyalty Reward Program & maximum number of registrations

Any OWHC member wishing to benefit from the Loyalty Reward Program to participate in the 17th Congress of the Organization of World Heritage Cities must contact the OWHC General Secretariat before completing their registration. As a reminder, the Loyalty Reward Program offers a financial contribution to members in good standing to encourage their participation in the World Congresses. The 2024 Loyalty Reward Program privileges member cities in good standing that have been involved in the preparatory phase of the Congress and/or with fewer resources.

In addition, please note that registrations are reserved first and foremost for delegates from OWHC member cities. If you are not in this category, your registration may be rejected and refunded. Each OWHC member city may register a maximum of four (4) persons in its delegation. Additional registrations will not be accepted if the maximum registration capacity is reached. 

For any questions regarding the Loyalty Reward Program and delegations, please contact the OWHC General Secretariat at secretariat@ovpm.org


 Method of payment

Payment can be made by credit card or bank transfer. Once the registration has been registered, you will be able to see the details of the payment method.



Do not forget to check your Spam folder for the confirmation message of your registration.

If you do not receive the confirmation message after completing your registration, please write to ocpmcordoba2024@viajeseci.es

For any questions about the registration form and the payment platform, please contact us.



For any incident or question, please contact the technical secretariat.