

Cordoba takes the baton from Quebec and will host the 17th World Congress of the Organization of World Heritage Cities, from September 23 to 27 of this year 2024.

It is a key meeting to define the future challenges facing those of us who are at the helm of World Heritage Cities. 

The cities that host the most relevant heritage legacy in the world have the obligation to advance in the protection and dissemination of those spaces and values that have contributed decisively to build a better society, but we also assume the mandate to identify the challenges we face when it comes to setting a bold and joint strategy that reconciles the human with the urban and the environment. 

It is a difficult but exciting task, because it involves pooling our stakes to find solutions that can be implemented concretely, quickly and effectively.

Cordoba is a city of encounters. It is an icon of cultural mixing throughout its history and also of dialogue. In the Congress that we will host, we will work to set a common roadmap that will allow us to move forward with respect to heritage protection, always with an eye on people and developing sustainable measures that involve preserving and conserving what has made us important: our heritage legacy.

Culture and heritage are pillars, signs of identity and the driving force behind Cordoba's development. Now we want this witness that we take from Quebec to be a moment so that, with work, dedication and commitment, our common legacy is projected with more strength than ever to the world.  

The celebration of this world meeting in September 2024 also coincides with the commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the declaration of the Mosque-Cathedral and the 30th anniversary of the extension of the historic center of Cordoba as a World Heritage Site, so I invite you to celebrate it together.

It is the moment for you to get closer to our historical, cultural and patrimonial legacy and to know the feeling of a land that advances unstoppably towards a promising future.

For any incident or question, please contact the technical secretariat.