
All the efforts made since the 16th OWHC World Congress in Quebec City (2022) to upgrade the Organization and strengthen its political dimension and operational capacity are converging on Cordoba. Together, we will decide how to follow up on the collective work carried out as part of the participative engineering, unprecedented for the Organization, that we have developed within the framework of the Québec Roadmap. 


With the help of the OWHC, our cities have adopted the political ambitions expressed in the “Mayors' Manifesto.” Together, we want to commit to four major “Issues at stake” that will strengthen the habitability of our historic centers:

  • Adapting cities to climate change and reducing its impact  

  • Capitalizing on the ability of historic districts to reinvent themselves 

  • Enhancing the features that make the livability of the heritage city 

  • Promoting heritage as an essential resource for sustainable development

Faced with the changes underway, OWHC cities want to learn from each other and seek effective solutions. By focusing on these ideas during the congress, we will be able to do things better, faster. We are aware that the international recognition our cities receive gives them a symbolic dimension and confers a great responsibility on municipal authorities and departments; the battles waged by our cities and our actions to satisfy our fellow citizens' ambitions for a better quality of life must serve as an example and inspiration to all historic cities.


I am counting on you, on the contribution of your cities, to strengthen our shared ambitions, and to make the Cordoba Congress a festive, productive, and inspiring event, as well as a time for meetings and discussions.


For any incident or question, please contact the technical secretariat.