
The 17th World Congress in Cordoba will feature two major events:


The 27th General Assembly, which is the heart and driving force of the Organization, will adopt the 2024-2026 action plan and the budget allocated to it, with the aim of developing programs to offer member cities better tools for cooperation and to foster renewed partnerships with international players. 


The Cordoba Symposium on the Habitability of Historic Centers will provide a forum for mayors, elected representatives, and municipal experts to meet and work together, enabling them to develop the bold guidelines provided by the Québec Roadmap. The ambitions conveyed by habitability are based on the idea that the city is first and foremost a place in which to reside. Habitability is already a central tenet of the OWHC's approach and provides the conditions for a successful climate transition, thanks to an urban heritage slant and perspective that safeguards the identity and potential of cities. 


The 17th World Congress in Cordoba will be an opportunity to measure the progress of the unprecedented effort invested over the last two year and to launch a new phase that will take the Organization a step further towards defining and adopting a “New Urban Project.”

For any incident or question, please contact the technical secretariat.